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pure skin science

Level up your Retinol – This lightweight, creamy power serum with 4 types of Retinols boosts cell turnover for the ultimate retinol treatment. The Active Retinol Serums come in 4 strengths, .2% .3% .6% and 1% to treat sensitive skin, as well as more tolerant skin.

The benefits of using a retinol in your skincare regime:

  • Improvements in fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, skin tone and texture
  • Increased collagen production and skin firmness
  • Maintains skins delicate microbiome
  • Minimises skin discolouration and dark spots
  • Soothes skin and replenishes hydration levels

The technology!

Retinol Blend – Boosts collagen and cell turnover to improve the visible signs of ageing and photo damage

Tranexamic Acid – Helps to reduce redness and fade discolouration, particularly in darker Fitzpatrick’s

Papyrus Plant Stem Cells – Increases the skins hydration levels

Butterfly Bush Plant Stem Cells – Provides protection from oxidative stress and photo damage


The Active Retinol Repair Serum .2% is very mild and for those with more sensitive skin. Users should have basic skincare skills and be willing to commit to a homecare routine.


The Active Retinol Repair Serum .3% is mild and for those with more sensitive skin. Users should be confident with their skincare skills and have a regular routine.


The Active Retinol Repair Serum .6% is moderate and for those who are experienced using retinoids. Users should already have hydrated and balanced skin with a comprehensive skincare routine including exfoliation products.


The Active Retinol Repair Serum 1% is strong and for those who are experienced with clinical grade retinoids and peels. Users need to have a comprehensive skincare routine including exfoliation products.

Retinols can be used alongside a normal skincare routine including, Cleanser, Essential B5 Hydrating Serum, Moisturiser and SPF. For the .6% and 1% users, a Stem Cell Rebuilding Complex can be added in after the Essential B5 Hydrating Serum.

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